Blogging hasn't seemed very worthwhile the last few days. After all, I thought, does anyone actually read this? I'm not writing this for money. There are zillions of better blogs out there. No one clicks my crappy ads or posts my button (it's too darn big!) or nominates me for a BlogHer award or to be featured on SITS or follows me, and why would they? Kitty Deschanel sucks! There are more productive things I could be doing, like working on that book I've been trying to write since...well...too long ago to admit.
My house is trashed, (Sexy Nerd's beer brewing doesn't help) my head is congested from allergies, (I hate New Mexico sooo much right now!) and we had an insanely busy/short-handed week at work (spring break at a pediatric dental office is not fun, especially when 2 of the 4 other employees call in because of horrible family emergencies). I was ready to let Kitty Deschanel sit idle for a few days (weeks? months?). Then, I signed on and read this comment:
I have checked out your blog a few times before, but this is the post that has won me over and turned me into a button-displaying regular reader!
My house is trashed, (Sexy Nerd's beer brewing doesn't help) my head is congested from allergies, (I hate New Mexico sooo much right now!) and we had an insanely busy/short-handed week at work (spring break at a pediatric dental office is not fun, especially when 2 of the 4 other employees call in because of horrible family emergencies). I was ready to let Kitty Deschanel sit idle for a few days (weeks? months?). Then, I signed on and read this comment:
I have checked out your blog a few times before, but this is the post that has won me over and turned me into a button-displaying regular reader!
The anxiety, I haz it too.
Great post!
Great post!
That is exactly what I needed to hear right now! It was even on a post that I almost didn't write - it seemed too personal, like people would be less likely to read my blog if I posted it. My mom used to encourage me to write, but was always appalled/embarrassed/furious whenever I wrote anything even remotely personal. I went back and read the comments that all you wonderful people have left. There were more than I expected! I decided to make a list of everyone who has commented.
If I could go back, I wouldn't have used such an inky pen. Or, crazy thought, since I planned to type the list, I would have just typed it to begin with!
So much ink! It's on the light switches! It's on the kitchen counter! It's EVERYWHERE!
So, to sum up the sappiest post you'll ever see me write, thank you so, so much to everyone who reads this blog. It may seem a little silly, but it means a lot to me. I'm not the social type by any stretch of the imagination. How I ended up with a job where I have to answer the phone every day blows my mind! I guess you could say Kitty Deschanel is my way of interacting with others. I'd like to say an extra-special thank you to the people who have left comments, listed below (also, I will try to add a link to each persons site within the next few days!):
- Sarah
- Amanda
- Meg
- Gena
- Sarah P
- Stacy
- Maile
- Tina Lane
- Stacie
- desertscope
- Reeni (there should be a little heart at the end of this name, but I'm not sure how to type it!)
- Carrie
- Kristen
- Danielle
- Holly
- Melissa
- Amber
- $treSs-SuNsh!ne-St3ph! (I hope I typed this right! It's a tricky one!!)
- bren
- The Daydreamer
- Spicie Foodie
- Jessica
- Post Grad Hair Cut
- Cinnamon-Girl
- Mizzsharon
- bananas
- Annie
- Deb
- Elisa@Globetrotting in Heels
- Lauren Jean
- Blue~Flame
- masoodmemon
- Elizabeth Mayhew (this one kinda counts and kinda doesn't count)(She's going to get a special post as soon as I get off my lazy behind!)
- pumpkinpie
- Damaris
- Gina@MoneywiseMoms
- Martha's Menagerie
- Kim
- Carrie@LaughLoveEatIceCream (love the name...this and the other long ones are a bit of a pain when writing out a list of names by hand though. LOL)
- Taylor@TheUndomesticMamma (another blogger guilty of having a super-long name. Gotta love it)
- Hope Chella
- Debbie in Nashville
- jan~tomatobaby
- Romy
- New Mommy!!! (congratulations!)
- jessicaray
- That one girl
- Taylor-Made Wife
- shannon i olsen
- Don
- Sarah Mac
- meredith
- Jeffrey
- My Husband's Watching TV
- Mom in Boyland
- Marianne
- tashaface
- Jane
- W.B. Picklesworth (
- Dialing Home
Thank you again. You're all fabulous! I have visited all your blogs and plan to continue to visit in the future. Also, I just counted my hand-written list and discovered that there should only be 59 names - one of you is being sneaky and is double thanked! Perhaps it's a sign that this is going to be a wonderful day for you.
I hope so.
*Update Added At 11am!
I just went to the blog for Taylor@TheUndomesticMomma and read some crushing news. If you have a second to spare, please visit and share your support!
*Update Added At 11am!
I just went to the blog for Taylor@TheUndomesticMomma and read some crushing news. If you have a second to spare, please visit and share your support!