This is my job. I answered the phone on Monday and an angry man yelled at me, demanding to know the phone number of our collection agency. I told him.
Angry Man: I have a business and my number is just a digit off from that! All day, every day, people call saying F-this and F-that and it's all because the numbers are so close!

Angry Man: I have a business and my number is just a digit off from that! All day, every day, people call saying F-this and F-that and it's all because the numbers are so close!
Awkward Silence
Me, as sweetly as possible (which I've found really annoys people like this): Well, unfortunately, I can't think of any way to stop people from dialing the wrong phone number.
More Awkwardness
Angry Man, no longer angry: I appreciate your time, ma'am.
I don't have a photo from work, but I think my Monster Jam expression sums up my thoughts on this quite nicely.