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Top-Rated Thanksgiving Recipes

**2022 Repost - Serve these 5-star Thanksgiving recipes to a crowd this year!** Happy COVID-19 Thanksgiving! Like us, your holiday likely looks a bit different this year. I was initially disappointed that I wouldn't get to play hostess with the mostess to a large gathering of family, but that would be just like every other year. 2020 is special. When else will SN and I have the opportunity to have a romantic Thanksgiving meal, just the 2 of us? You know, other than that year we ditched everyone to take a cruise . That was a fun Thanksgiving too. 2020 Thanksgiving = no need to clean the house, no need to be limited to traditional foods, no need to travel, no need to make small talk with people you don't really like. (To any friends and family who are reading this, that last part was totally just a random example for my blog readers. I like you!) 2020 Thanksgiving = do whatever you want. Sleep in. Dress fancy or dress in your PJs. Invite the dogs to join you at the table. Watch ...

Old Amsterdam Cheese

What kind of cheese is Old Amsterdam? Old Amsterdam is an aged Gouda cheese made of cow’s milk. Compared to a younger (not aged) Gouda, it has a harder texture, more deepened color, and an intense, buttery flavor with just a hint of sweetness. If you're a cheese simpleton like I used to be, you might see this post and wonder  What does Gouda taste like?  It has a strong, rich flavor. I think the best way to describe it is that Gouda tastes fancy. (Yes, fancy!)  Old Amsterdam Cheese FAQs, Recipes, & Wine Pairings - Gouda 101 for Cheese Simpletons Have you ever made a sandwich, only to have your slice of cheddar add pointless, wasted calories because you can't taste it among all the other ingredients? This isn't a problem with a bold slice of Old Amsterdam Gouda. It's a cheese with a strong flavor. Old Amsterdam Pairings Old Amsterdam cheese pairs well with simple ingredients, such as fruit, c...

How to Move a Mattress

My site is popular for reviewing memory foam mattresses. With today's bed-in-a-box options lasting much longer than the traditional 7 years of a spring mattress, there's a good chance you'll eventually need to move one. But how? This is  how to move a mattress  without damaging it - even by yourself!  When we were faced with the challenge of moving our beloved Amerisleep AS3  to our new home, it seemed like my readers would enjoy the details. This handy tip should work for any memory foam bed, including Casper, Leesa, and Nectar.  I'm happy to report there is an extremely simple way to do it. Apartment and dorm dwellers rejoice! How to Move a Mattress At first, I wasn't sure how to move our king-size mattress down a flight of stairs. It's a problem we've dreaded solving ever since we made the decision to build a new house.  The answer? It was right in the back of our truck.  Ratchet straps . This solution could also serve as a 'How To' for returning ...

More Than Beer at the (AMAZING!) NM Brew Fest

Update for 2020: We've been hoping all year that COVID wouldn't cancel the New Mexico Brew Fest, but of course it did. For now, pop open a Coors and live vicariously through last year's post. I'll see you at the 2021 New Mexico Brew Fest! Update for 2021: Postponed again. Bummer. Another update: Was that the Culligan water man or not? Update for 2022: The NM Brew Fest is finally back! Join in the fun on Saturday, October 1st. This year, it coincides with our world-famous Balloon Fiesta.   More Than Beer at the (AMAZING!) NM Brew Fest My husband and I have seen ads for the New Mexico Brew Fest, which coincides with Albuquerque's world-famous Balloon Fiesta, year after year. Why haven't we ever gone? Obviously, we are ridiculous fools because the New Mexico Brew Fest was the best time ever ! It's our all-time favorite beer festival. (Don't tell the Fall Ale Fest . It was only their first year. They'll get there.) You know you're in for a gr...