**2022 Repost - Serve these 5-star Thanksgiving recipes to a crowd this year!** Happy COVID-19 Thanksgiving! Like us, your holiday likely looks a bit different this year. I was initially disappointed that I wouldn't get to play hostess with the mostess to a large gathering of family, but that would be just like every other year. 2020 is special. When else will SN and I have the opportunity to have a romantic Thanksgiving meal, just the 2 of us? You know, other than that year we ditched everyone to take a cruise . That was a fun Thanksgiving too. 2020 Thanksgiving = no need to clean the house, no need to be limited to traditional foods, no need to travel, no need to make small talk with people you don't really like. (To any friends and family who are reading this, that last part was totally just a random example for my blog readers. I like you!) 2020 Thanksgiving = do whatever you want. Sleep in. Dress fancy or dress in your PJs. Invite the dogs to join you at the table. Watch ...