I'm going to throw a fabulous housewarming party, with all my bloggy buddies, held at the 2010 HGTV Green House. There will be a dessert buffet, as well as lots and lots of alcohol for everyone!
Aren't you excited? You're invited! (Hey, that rhymes!)
Plenty of seating for everyone!
The only catch, and this is just a teenie tiny, minor detail, is that I have to win the house first.
You can help! It's just like when we all wished for me to win the 2010 HGTV Dream House (except, as proven by that house being awarded to Myra Lewis instead, we all have to wish a bit harder this time, darn it!) Remember our Dream Home chant? (clicky here if you've forgotten) Repeat after me:
"Sexy Nerd and Lamb are going to win the 2010 HGTV Green Home. They recycle. They turn off the lights when they leave a room. They compost will compost in their new Green Home. Most importantly, they will have a huge-ass party when they win!"
Whoops, almost forgot:
"The LambAround blog is the best blog ever! I will put the LambAround button on my site, tell all my friends, comment every day, sign up for emails and then forward those emails to everyone, like the ridiculous spammer that deep down I know I can be!"
Okay, technically, that 2nd part probably won't make a difference in whether or not I win the 2010 HGTV Green Home.
It may get you cuts in line for the dessert bar though!
*Sexy Nerd is pointing out that if I do actually win, I'm going to have to actually have this party, dessert and alcohol and everything. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.