Sometimes blogging can get to be a bit much. Really, is anyone out there even reading this? When a mood like this strikes, there's simply only one thing you can do.
Bake a ridiculously indulgent cake.
Would you care for a slice (or two!) of my Double Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cake?
The frosting is chocolate chip cookie dough. It. Is. AMAZING. Why isn't this stuff used more often?
Oh, and if you answered 'no' to my cake offer, I really don't think LambAround is the right blog for you.
As mentioned before (homemade Chicken Mayonnaise, anyone?), Sexy Nerd and I aren't squeamish about eating raw eggs. Well, I guess Sexy Nerd might be, but I do the majority of the cooking around here so, yeah. For those of you who are wisely Salmonella-phobes, I have something exciting to tell you. Everything you see in the photos above, from the moist chocolate cake to the ooey gooey cookie dough, is 100% egg-free! You can thank the lousy Albuquerque grocery stores and their exorbitant egg prices for that. $1.25 a dozen? Keep dreaming, Smith's and Albertsons!
The secret to yummy eggless baking is an ingredient that everyone should have in their kitchen - ground flax seed meal. This stuff is perfect mixed into oatmeal or blended into a smoothie. Best of all, if you combine 1 Tbsp of flax seed meal with 3 Tbsp of water, you'll find yourself with a nifty 1 egg substitute in just 2 minutes.
Aren't I so smart? I read that handy egg substitute tidbit right off the Bob's Red Mill package.
Double Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cake
(The raw cookie dough recipe is from Miss Lori Lange, aka Recipe Girl, who knocked my socks off at Camp Blogaway.)
- Favorite Chocolate Boxed Cake Mix (I'm a Devil's Food and German Chocolate fan, myself.)
- Whatever Ingredients Fancy Cake Mix Requires (Can you tell that I'm feeling very professional with my recipe writing at the moment?)
- Cookie Dough Ingredients from Recipe Girl (I used regular chocolate chips instead of mini. You can cram more chocolate into every bite this way.)
- Love (You know, because I'm so super serious right now. Methinks I've had too much sugar. Thank you, Double Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cake!)
2. Instead of pacing the kitchen while waiting for your yummy chocolate cakes to bake, use this time to mix up your cookie dough. Wondering if you'll have any extra after you've frosted your cakes? You will have just enough extra to cram several enormous, guilt-free spoonfuls of raw chocolate chip cookie dough into your salivating mouth. Isn't this recipe just the greatest?
3. Do not chill the cookie dough yet. It will be easiest to work with if it's soft.
4. Let your two cakes cool 100% before attempting to remove them from the pans. I was impatient and ended up with a giant cake doughnut the first time. Friends, you cannot spread cookie dough onto the center of a doughnut, no matter how hyper you are. You will just end up with a sticky countertop.
5. Take one of your cooled cakes and, approximately 1/2 an inch from the edge, press gently all the way around the cake to create a raised border. This will result in a well for your cookie dough. We want to keep it safe and sound.
Why not just spread the cookie dough all the way to the edge? This is a 'Double' Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough cake. You only see cake on the sides before it's cut, so the lucky cake recipient is surprised to discover that there is more scrumptious cookie dough inside!
6. After filling your cake groove with cookie dough, plop (such a yummy word, right?) your second cooled cake directly on top.
7. Frost the top of the second cake with your remaining cookie dough.
Can you tell there's more cookie dough inside?
8. This is the hardest step. Stick your entire decorated cake into the fridge to cool before you serve it. Technically, you can eat it right this instant, but this cake tastes sooo much better when the cookie dough is chilled. Really, it's a night and day difference.
Hate to wait? Let's pass the time by drooling over my remaining cake photo shoot shots:
When it comes to a cake as decadent as this, who am I to reject any of the photos?
Sexy Nerd loves this cake. He says it tastes like a giant, melty cookie.
Cake on the patio. Even our fancy stain makeover can't compete with the beauty that is Double Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cake.
This cake was my second time making Recipe Girl's cookie dough recipe. The first batch never made it onto a cake. Sexy Nerd was away on a business trip and I was the only person home. I have absolutely no idea where all that cookie dough went.
This cake lasted about a day. An entire day! Can you believe it?
We grow roses. We pig out on cake.
Suzanne at work said "Out of 100, this cake is 150". Suzanne is a tough nut to crack. That compliment is HUGE!
Kinda running out of smart-alecy things to say. In these photos, the crumbs drove me crazy!