It has become clear that designing and building our dream home is going to cause a bit of stress on our relationship. I showed Sexy Nerd the following photo:
Not too shabby, right? Our real-life view on our 13.1 acre lot in the New Mexico mountains isn't going to include any other houses. This seems like a realistic idea to me. Sexy Nerd, however, says that my dream balcony is "not being practical and would never fit into our budget".
Yesterday, he caught a glimpse of a photo I had liked on Pinterest. "Send that to me!" he said. I rolled my eyes. "Really," he insisted. "I'm going to incorporate that into our house design."
The photo?
Yesterday, he caught a glimpse of a photo I had liked on Pinterest. "Send that to me!" he said. I rolled my eyes. "Really," he insisted. "I'm going to incorporate that into our house design."
The photo?
Really, Sexy Nerd? Really?