You know you're addicted to Candy Crush when...
Now how am I going to waste all my time??
Let's see. If I've played 575 Candy Crush levels at an average of 15 minutes per level (some took very little time, but some took FOREVER) that means I've spent...ummm...
Only 8,625 minutes playing candy crush over the past few months (I was late to the Candy Crush party. It didn't sound like that fun of a game, but one weekend afternoon, Sexy Nerd was out of town and I was bored.)
8,625 minutes, so... just 143.75 hours...
Almost 6 nonstop days of playing Candy Crush.
(And, let's face it, that average of 15 minutes per level is probably pretty generous. A few of those levels took WEEKS!)
Now how am I going to waste all my time??