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Showing posts from February, 2009

Mix and Match Pizza Casserole (A Clean Out the Fridge Recipe)

Sexy Nerd loves this and wants me to make it every day. I think it's okay, though I do love that it's quick and easy, as well as a great way to use up leftovers. Using a large, shallow dish cuts the baking time significantly. You can use something thicker, like a loaf pan, but it will take extra time to heat through. There are no measurements for the ingredients - just throw in what you have on hand, in the amount you think will taste best. When I make this, it's all vegetables. When you-know-who cooks it, the recipe is meat, meat, and more meat!                                        Mix and Match Pizza Casserole A Clean Out the Fridge Recipe Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. All of the ingredients, like the pasta and the ground meat, should be cooked and ready to eat before they go into the pan. Layer the following, in order, starting at the bottom of the greased pan: Ingredients: 1. Pasta or a mixture of different pastas (I like to use whole wheat macaroni +